Desgine Your Factory Segments to be able to scale up

this is an automation game so it will be a bit complex , however i only included the Essintial Contrlos and not so many tiles

your goal is to reach 7000 points in the fastest Time you can

i dont know if people will read the Little Wiki i made but i will put it here any way

Controls : 

if you messed up , Refreshthe page 

(numbers 1-6) choose the wanted Tile
D : To Remove a Tile
F : To Remove an Item Form any Tile
C: To Copy And Paste a 4x4 Segment
Right mouse : to move around by dragging the camera

Copy and past (the core Game Mechanics):

if you copy a segment you get a 50% off Discount
however you cand Edit any Thing in both to orignal nor the new copy
(except for removing an item)
the idea is you should deliberately Desgine the segment before Start Copying

Tiles :

Coveyor Belt : move 1 item per game tick

routor : like the Belt , Execpt is output in Every Avilable Diraction

Source : Output Raw Iron;

Smilter : take one raw iron and Turn it into Metal Sheet , it takes 2 game tick
after taking the input before Outputing the MetalSheet

Fabricator : Takes 2 Metal Sheets and Turn them into an Engine , no Delay

SellingPoint : takes items and sell them for you


raw iron : Earn you 15

Metal Sheet : Earn you 60

Engine : Earn you 200

Published 29 days ago

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